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SEATS.  From Latin sedes (= seat) the word seat include the Chair for the Priest Celebrant and other seats. The Chair for the Priest Celebrant or the presider’s chair is the place that expresses the ministry of the one who presides over. He acts and guides the liturgical assembly in the person of Christ, Head and Pastor, and of the Church his body. The presider’s chair must be dignified, but not too sumptuous. It must not be like  a throne to distinguish itself from the cathedra which expresses, instead, the bishop's specific role of master and pastor in his diocese. In cathedral churches, besides the cathedra or bishop’s chair, there must also be a presider’s chair. The Chair for the Priest presiding the liturgy must be placed in plain sight and facing the people, not too far from the assembly. In fact, "it must signify his office of presiding over the gathering and of directing the prayer" (GIRM no. 310). The chair  reminds us that we have been summoned by God as his people. We are his Church, gathered in unity to encounter Christ Jesus in the Word and in the Sacraments, under the presidency of a pastor who represents Christ himself.

In GIRM no. 310 is also indicated that: The seat for the deacon should be placed near that of the celebrant. Seats for the other ministers are to be arranged so that they are clearly distinguishable from those for the clergy and so that the ministers are easily able to fulfill the function entrusted to them”
